Chargers and Batteries BS BATTERY

Discover the whole range of car batteries and battery chargers from BS BATTERY. A reference in the world of motorsport, the BS BATTERY brand has been able to seduce people with its quality equipment, which is durable and resistant to extreme conditions.

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Sale of chargers and batteries BS BATTERY

Find all the lithium batteries and battery chargers of the brand BS BATTERY on sale on Oreca-Store.

Why choose a BS BATTERY?

BS BATTERY is a specialist in Lithium batteries. With a strong experience in MotoGP, in particular in the accompaniment of Fabio Quartararo for whom they were the sponsor, BS BATTERY batteries and accessories are made of a high level technology compound. After having established itself as a reference partner in the world of motorcycling, BS BATTERY is now entering the automotive world with products specially adapted to the needs of users and tuners!

Should I opt for a lithium battery?

Unlike traditional batteries, which are heavier because they are made of lead, Lithium Iron Phosphate (LifePo4) batteries can save between 6 and 8 kg for each battery, making them one of the best weight/cost savings. When installing your battery, you can also adjust the weight distribution to increase efficiency and overall speed.

Why use a BS BATTERY charger?

BS BATTERY chargers charge and maintain 3 batteries of different voltage and technology (lead or lithium) simultaneously thanks to their lead/acid or lithium technology detector. Easy to use and safe, they are ideal for recharging your batteries or restarting them in case of long standby.
